Hmm if I’m to ask myself, “what is self love to me?” I can literally go on for days. But I’m going to break this post up into pieces and just give a little overview on self love. I’ll get more into it at a later date.
By definition, self love is the love of self. That’s it. Do you see how simple it is? Ok, just kidding there’s a bit more to it….It is an appreciation of one’s own worth or virtue. Self love begins when we observe our actions and words with compassion as if we were our own best friend. It’s the belief we hold that we are valuable and worthy. According to some dictionaries.
But self love to me can go beyond that. It’s showing myself love in ALL areas – physical, spiritual, mental & emotional. An overall well-being of self, allowing the best version of me to spill over (like when our cup is runneth over!) to anyone I come in contact with. It’s like the secret ingredient in your favorite meal. You don’t know you need it, till you try it.
Wow. Now ya’ll started me uppppp! I can get so deep on my fave topic, but let me keep it short and sweet, for now.
Self Love In Different Areas
Physical – how we take care of our physical bodies. i.e. exercising, making better food choices, taking care of our skin, getting enough sleep, to name a few. Then, for example, you start having less doctor trips, physically feeling and looking better which in turn you start loving you more and attracting that same energy.
Spiritual – how we protect and take care of our energy. i.e. spirituality based on religion, consciousness, quantum energy, to name a few. Then, for example, when you constantly practice daily prayer, meditations, energy healing, it connects us to Source so we can feel centered and grounded.
Mental – how we take care of our mind, our thoughts, beliefs and our words. i.e. practicing to control our thoughts, thinking more positively, and words of affirmations to name a few. Then, for example, when you have positive thoughts about yourself daily and you start believing it, you have less room for negative thoughts and it brings forth more self confidence.
Emotional – how we take care of our emotional experiences and feelings. i.e. journaling feelings, reflecting on past & present emotions, deepening relationships, to name a few. Then, for example, through journaling we acknowledge and become aware of why we feel or felt a certain way, which influences our responses and feelings to similar experiences in the future.
As you can see, self love embodies so many areas of our lives, which makes us become better and in turn reflects outward and the energy is reciprocated. It’s like magic! And, its a whole cycle – everything is connected. Creating harmony with these is a major goal!
And guys, this is just the beginning. I can get so much deeper into this because it’s sooooo important if you want to live a happier life. Once you get a grasp and understanding of it, make it a habit, your life will change for the better. That’s when growth really begins. At least, for me it did! Can you relate?
It’s Importance
Before I knew the meaning and importance of self love, I was quite unhappy with different things in life. ESPECIALLY relationships. I started to understand why things were happening and it had to do with either me not loving myself enough or realizing that the other person just wasn’t there in the emotional area of self love.
But let me just say, put yourself above everything else and do not care about what others think. Which, for some, might sound a bit selfish or conceited, but it’s not that. You have to put you first and be selfish with you so that you can be the best version of yourself to and for others.
Actively practicing self love is one of the most powerful things you can do for yourself.
We think loving ourselves isn’t important. I mean, I was there. Until I decided to love on myself. Everything around me changed. And I still practice it to this day. It’s never ending.
Just remember, everything we need to love and become the best versions of ourselves and bloom, is right inside of us. We just have to dig deep and constantly practice it. Literally. Do this and watch yourself bloom!!!
Totally agree with everything you said. We have to create happiness for ourselves and it’s only then that we can have positive, uplifting relationships.
Absolutely loved this blog post! Needed a reminder. ❤️